Grace when courts decide
part two of five through the book of James
It is easy to justify our “righteous indignation” over court decisions with which we disagree. The problem with most cases is that they aren’t simple; there are nuances and shades of gray. If it was simple, it probably wouldn’t have required a series of court decisions to ratify or deny. Human issues are complex and complicated: our natural inclinations to self-promotion against government decisions to control its people have always been in tension. This particular case, or set of cases, pitted life against life: which life is of greater value? How you answer that question for yourself may or may not be the same answer for some of your sisters and brothers. There is history and story and lived experiences that factor into how everyone answers that question.
Without diverting attention from James to this particular argument, we must be careful to avoid partiality, that is, dividing the Church into “us” and “them.” James refers to partiality based on socio-economic status, but it is equally vital to avoid partiality based on presumptions. We know that the One True Judge has already determined that when we show mercy to one another, He will show mercy to us. Yes, we are forgiven and justified already, but our sanctification is a lifelong process. We need all the mercy He offers as we muddle through complicated and trying circumstances. We need to show that same mercy to our brothers and sisters in the faith.
more to come